
Harold Kestenbaum’s Interview with 1851 Magazine

Harold, 1851 Interview

Our very own, Harold Kestenbaum, was featured in 1851 Magazine to discuss how COVID-19 played a role in the franchise industry, the timeline of franchise legal preparations, and what franchisees should consider before they sign on with a brand.

Harold informs prospective owners:

“Too often, we see businesses roll out a franchise program before they are ready. That might mean they are not financially ready, or they don’t have the proper management in place, or in many cases, they simply don’t have a proven operational model yet. I get people who call me and say, “I want to be a franchise,” but they have only been in business for two months. You have to be in business for a while so you can prove your model and work out any issues. If you haven’t been in business for at least six months to a year, you shouldn’t even think about franchising.”

Read Harold’s full interview with 1851 Magazine.