The first thing franchisors want to do when they decide to franchise their business is tell everyone. After all, there have been multiple interested parties approach them already, so why not just tell them all about it?

The franchising industry in the U.S. is heavily regulated by the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission, and their supervision includes your marketing practices. Legal documents, such as your FDD, must be completed and registered (in registration states) before you can sell – or even talk about selling – your business as a franchise. Talk to your legal team and check your maps to be sure; but here are some guidelines to help you stay compliant while marketing your franchise business.

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These pages are for informational purposes only and do not establish an attorney-client relationship between the author and the reader. Additionally, we make no representations or warranty to any of the information as legal information is subject to change over time. Before taking action on any of the information presented, you must discuss this with your attorney to ensure it is relevant and applicable to your current situation.